Gosafe Port Devices Driver


118 units of Gosafe G3S device type are connected to Wialon Data Center. This represents 0.01% of all AVL Hardware connected. This represents 0.01% of all AVL Hardware connected. Below chart represents the dynamic of connections in the last 30 days. Fix USB Drivers using Device manager. View our post on fixing USB Driver issues in Windows 8. Go to Menu Run; Type device manager in the text box; Select Device Manager; Find Universal Serial Bus controllers and expand the list; Right-click Unknown Device; Select Properties from the context-sensitive menu; Select Drivers; Click Update Driver. The G6S is powered by over-the-air device management and maintenance system (programming, updates, and logistics system). FOTA (firmware update over the air), GSM jamming detection, and 28 hardware-based geo-fences make it a perfect choice for superior safety and security of your vehicle. 2G&3G available; RS232 Serial Port; 1-Wire® Interface. The GoSafe 272 also uses standard Micro SDHC cards for recording videos. You never have to worry about running out of space either on your card as it will overwrite over old files with new files as it is recording. It will only save videos that you choose to save or ones that the device automatically saves due to accidents or sudden jolts.


This section describes the class-of-device (CoD) registry subkeys and entries that apply to the Bluetooth driver stack.

'COD Major' and 'COD Type' Values

Original equipment manufacturer (OEMs) can use the COD Major and COD Type values to indicate the Class of Device for a Bluetooth-enabled Windows device. After the Bluetooth class installer sets the Class of Device based on these registry values, a remote device can determine whether it is connecting to a portable computer, a desktop computer, a phone, and so on.

The registry path to the COD Major and COD Type values is:


Note that setting these values changes the Bluetooth Class of Device for the system, regardless of which Bluetooth radio may be attached. You can set the COD Major and COD Type to DWORD values as defined for the Class of Device field values in the Bluetooth SIG Assigned Numbers.

The Bluetooth profile driver, BthPort.sys, reads the COD Major and COD Type values to determine how it should respond to a device inquiry. These values affect only the COD_MAJOR_XXX and COD_XXX_MINOR_XXX bits of the Class of Device. The COD_SERVICE_XXX bits are not affected by this registry entry.

If the COD Major and COD Type values are not set or are set to invalid values, the Bluetooth class installer will set these values to COD_MAJOR_COMPUTER and COD_COMPUTER_MINOR_DESKTOP, respectively.

Scanning Parameterization Settings

Profile drivers can specify scanning parameters settings for their device(s) in their profile driver's INF file to tailor to the specific needs of a given device scenario.

Gosafe port devices driver windows 7

You can override the default system scanning parameters by providing one or more of the following scanning parameters listed below into the AddReg directive. More information on how to use this directive can be found in INF AddReg Directive.

Value NameTypeMin ValueMax Value
HighDutyCycleScanWindowDWORD 0x100010x00040x4000. Shall be equal or smaller than the HighDutyCycleScanInterval parameter
HighDutyCycleScanIntervalDWORD 0x100010x00040x4000
LowDutyCycleScanWindowDWORD 0x100010x00040x4000. Shall be smaller than the LowDutyCycleScanInterval parameter
LowDutyCycleScanIntervalDWORD 0x100010x00040x4000
LinkSupervisionTimeoutDWORD 0x100010x000A0x0C80
ConnectionLatencyDWORD 0x100010x00000x01F4
ConnectionIntervalMinDWORD 0x100010x00060x0C80. Shall be smaller or equal to ConnectionIntervalMax
ConnectionIntervalMaxDWORD 0x100010x00060x0C80


Gosafe Port Devices Driver

Gosafe Port Devices Driver Windows 7

Changes to scanning parameters make a global impact on the performance of the Bluetooth stack. Making changes to scanning parameters programmatically is not permitted. Using Low Duty Cycle scanning parameters that are too aggressive can not only have a negative impact to the available bandwidth for other Bluetooth Low Energy connections, but also for Bluetooth BR/EDR connections.