DriverMax is a very handy Windows Update utility which makes keeping your system drivers up-to-date an extremely easy task. It handles the following tasks with ease: Downloading driver updates, backing up drivers, detailed reports, checking for changes, hardware information and sharing detail reports of your hardware information with friends. DriverMax can also display a complete report of currently installed drivers.
DriverMax currently supports drivers for various components such as: System drivers, motherboard drivers, mp3 player drivers, modem drivers, bluetooth drivers and usb drivers. The list is by no means complete. It has been known to work wonders with issues surrounding game play on systems with NVidea and AMD ATI drivers installed; also known for solving sound driver problems.
DriverMax also supports device drivers from big, well-known brand name manufacturers like AMD, Atheros, Asus, Acer, RealTek, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba, Dell, Sony and many more.
Our verdict: Install DriverMax today. Keep those pesky outdated drivers on your system, keep your registry and system clean and you're sure to run into very little errors or issues with modern gaming and computing.
The program currently supports a whopping 1.3 million drivers and almost 300,000 devices compatible with Windows.
Features and highlights
Ericsson Motherboards Driver Download Drivers
- Update all PC drivers
- Immediate increases in speed
- Access to DriverMax knowledge base
- Easy-to-use
- Automatic updates to system drivers
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DriverMax 11.12 on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs
This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from drivers without restrictions. DriverMax 11.12 is available to all software users as a free download for Windows.
Filed under:- DriverMax Download
- Freeware Drivers
- Driver Updating Software
Ericsson Motherboards Driver Download Windows 10
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