Drivers Heka Instruments



Shop a large selection of C0055C products and learn more about Gibco Human Epidermal Keratinocytes, adult (HEKa) 1 vial:Cell Culture 1 vial. Full support of HEKA's patch clamp amplifiers EPC7, EPC8, EPC9, and the EPC10. The novel program design of PATCHMASTER is perfectly suited for the operation of multi-channel stimulation as used for patch clamp amplifiers with multiple headstages (e.g. EPC9 Double/Triple, EPC10 Double/Triple/Quadro).

User profile

  • On Registration / Sign Up, app shows error 'user already registered'. What does this mean?
  • 'Sign Up' process is used for new user registration purpose and is done only once using your email Id and mobile number. Once registered, user needs to use 'Sign In' for Login purpose and can remain logged in always.
  • I have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?
  • Use 'Forgot password' option in 'Sign In' screen and change your password using OTP sent to your registered mobile number and registered email id.

Device addition

  • Run an example application that makes calls to an IVI class driver. Swap out instruments without recompiling or relinking the application source code. Note:This tutorial uses a HP 34401A and Fluke Fl45 DMM as examples. However, physical instruments are not required for this tutorial as you can run IVI drivers in simulation mode.
  • The Axon Instruments® portfolio provides comprehensive solutions for patch-clamping that includes amplifiers, digitizer, software, and accessories. Our best-in-class instruments facilitate the entire range of patch-clamp technique experiments from the smallest single-channel to the largest macroscopic recordings.
  • How do I add device in my Heka app?
  • After registration and completing home settings, app automatically takes the user to 'Add Device' screen, or one can press ‘+’ sign on Home screen, at a later stage.
  • What is Device License key? Where do I find it?
  • Device License Key is the serial number of the Device and it’s available as QR code on Device or on its packaging or on device user manual package (QR code). It is the serial number of the device and it is available on the device itself (bar code or QR code) or device packaging (bar code) or on device user manual package (QR code).
    • Split AC License key is the serial number of IDU (Indoor Unit) and it starts with HKS/HSV/HSX/HSW/HSY and ends with 5 digit numeric number xxxxx
    • Window AC License key is the serial number of Window AC unit and it starts with HWX/HWY and ends with 5 digit numeric number xxxxx
    • Air Cooler License key is the serial number of Air Cooler unit and it starts with LPBS/LPBI and ends with 5 digit numeric number xxxxx

WiFi Configuration for smart Devices

  • Do I need WiFi at home for Livpure Smart AC or Livpure Smart Air Cooler?
  • To take full advantage of Smart device and to control it from anywhere anytime, you need to configure it with WiFi.
    AC can be used as a normal AC as well without using WiFi based features.
    Air Cooler can also be controlled via Bluetooth.
    One can configure Smart WiFi devices with Home WiFi router, 4G routers (Jio, Airtel etc.), Fibre Network routers (ACT, Airtel, Jio etc.) or Mobile Hotspot, to provide internet connectivity to the device.
  • What are different ways to configure Smart Devices with WiFi?
  • There are many ways one can provide Internet access to Heka powered Device
    • WiFi Router + Smart Phone with Heka App
    • One Smart Phone as Hotspot / Router + Another Smart Phone with Heka App.You need two Smart Phones just for WiFi configuration purpose, while later you can create WiFi Hotspot with same credentials in the Smart Phone, which has Heka App & use it to control the Smart Device (provided Smart Device has internet connectivity by having the Smart Phone nearby).
  • How can I put my Smart Device into Hotspot mode? How do I verify that Device is in Hotspot mode?
  • Press HEKA button on Remote or on Device, 6 times quickly within a minute and you will hear two beep sounds from Smart Device (else repeat pressing HEKA button 6 times again). Now WiFi symbol on Smart Device starts blinking slowly, this means Device is now in Hotspot mode.
    You can also look at the WiFi network list on your Smart Phone and you will see SLAC-xxxxxxx or Livpure-AC-xxxxxxx or Livpure-ARC-xxxxxxx (where xxxxxxx is an alphanumeric number). If it is available, your Device is in Hotspot mode.
  • How do I connect Smart Devices with WiFi?
  • 'Add Device' process automatically takes you to 'WiFi configuration' process, whenever you register a Device in App.
    For already added Devices, you can use Heka App Settings WiFi Settings menu.
    Please follow the instructions shown on app screens. Please ensure that:
    • Your Smart Device is in Hotspot mode (WiFi symbol blinking slowly). Fast blinking WiFi symbol means that it is searching for already provided WiFi credentials,
    • Mobile is also connected with WiFi you want Smart Device to connect to,
    • Mobile data is disabled,
    • GPS is enabled on your mobile, and
    • You need to Allow app to access your mobile’s location.
    As you progress, app will show your Home WiFi name (if not, press “Change WiFi”) and ask for its password. Once provided, app connects with Device and configures it.
    After some time, app takes you automatically to Home screen, where you see all Devices. Touch the Device to open Device Control screen and you will see your Device is in connected / configured state and WiFi symbol on Device would have been stabilised as well.
    If Device Control screen shows Triangle image, it means either internet connectivity to device is missing or it is not yet configured / connected to WiFi. Refresh the screen and if it still shows Triangle symbol
    • Check your Internet connectivity / WiFi router, if Device was already configured with WiFi
    • If Device Hotspot is also available in WiFi network list of your Smart Phone, retry WiFi configuration through Heka App Settings WiFi Settings.
  • What does it mean if I get 'Device not configured' error, after WiFi configuration process?
  • Please check if your Device (AC etc.) is still in Hotspot mode or not (Device Hotspot name must be coming in WiFi list on your mobile). If not, press Heka button on AC remote 6 times quickly within 10 seconds, to bring it in Hotspot mode, WiFi symbol will start blinking slowly.
  • If WiFi symbol on Smart Device is blinking fast (as compared to Hotspot mode), what does that mean?
  • Fast blinking WiFi symbol means that it is searching for already provided WiFi SSID name & password, and not able to connect.
    It could happen if provided SSID name or password to the Device are wrong (mis-spelled or small letters might have been used instead of capital letters etc.) or your WiFi router or Mobile Hotspot is far away from the Device and so the WiFi signal strength is low near the Device.
  • What is the range of WiFi enabled Smart Devices, once connected to WiFi?
  • Internet range is unlimited. If Device is having WiFi /internet connection, you can control it from anywhere in the world using the App on Smart Phone with Data connectivity.

Livpure Smart AC Controls

  • What does it mean if I get errors like “server not responding” or “AC command failed”?
  • Please check your Mobile data connectivity & WiFi connectivity of AC Device, as home WiFi router may be down or working intermittently.
  • Can I run AC at 50% loading to save energy?
  • Heka technology provides you a great option to save energy. Use “Green Mode” (one of the 3 smart modes provided by Heka App) and it saves you energy using Artificial Intelligence algorithm. It considers human factors, climatic conditions and several sensors based data to save energy.
  • Do I need to control AC while using any Heka smart modes?
  • Not required. Whenever you use any of the 3 smart modes (Green, Heka, Magic), AI algorithm works on Heka cloud and controls your AC automatically. You have to only ensure that the data connectivity for your AC, through your home WiFi router, is available all the time.
    However, you may still increase / decrease temperature for your comfort. HEKA learns your behaviour so that you don’t have to repeat.
  • Do I still need physical remote with Livpure AC if connected to Wifi?
  • Once you have configured or paired your AC with WiFi. All remote features are available on Heka app to control your AC from anywhere anytime.
  • How do I switch off display on Indoor Unit of AC?
  • You can switch off display on AC through AC Remote or Heka App – AC Control screen.
  • When I Switch On the AC using Remote, my AC Display switches ON again and creates so much light in the room during night. How can I avoid that light?
  • Please use Heka App on Smart Phone to Switch off AC, instead of using Remote. It keeps the previous status of Display and App will keep showing you the exact status of AC.
    We have provided much more features on Heka App as compared to AC Remote, so that you do not even need to put batteries in AC Remote.
  • When I use Heka App and AC Remote both in general use with AC, every time I use Remote, my AC settings get disturbed. Why?
  • AC Remote keeps storing many commands in Remote Display and sends all of them to AC, at once, when only one parameter is changed. This changes the settings. Please use Heka App to enjoy all features on your Smart AC.

Livpure Smart Air Cooler Controls

  • What does it mean if I get errors like “server not responding” or “command failed”?
  • Please check your Mobile data connectivity & WiFi connectivity of Smart Device, as home WiFi router may be down or working intermittently, with which your Smart Device is configured.
  • Do I need to control Air Cooler while using Heka smart mode?
  • Not required. Whenever you use Heka smart mode, AI algorithm works and controls your Air Cooler automatically.
  • Do I still need remote with Livpure Air Cooler?
  • Air Cooler can be controlled via Heka App using Bluetooth or WiFi. All remote features are available on Heka app to control your Device.
    • To control your Air Cooler via Bluetooth, you need to be in the visible range to Air Cooler, within the building.
    • Once you have configured or paired your Air Cooler with WiFi, you can control Air Cooler from anywhere anytime.
  • Can multiple people control Livpure Air Cooler at the same time from Heka App?
  • Yes, however you need to control it via WiFi.
    • Multiple people can install Heka App on their respective Smart Phones and login to the same User Account, using same credentials, with which account the Air Cooler was added in Heka App.
    • As you have configured or paired your Air Cooler with WiFi, all users will be able to control Air Cooler from anywhere anytime & from any distance.
    If you are controlling your Air Cooler via Bluetooth, only one user at a time can control it via Bluetooth.
    • First user will have to disconnect his / her App from Air Cooler Bluetooth connection, then only the other user will be able to establish the Bluetooth connection and control it via Bluetooth.
    • User can kill the App to disconnect the Bluetooth connection between mobile and Air Cooler
  • How can I switch control methods between WiFi and Bluetooth for my Air Cooler?
  • While adding an Air Cooler, you need to choose preferred way of controlling method, between Bluetooth and WiFi, based on which you will be taken to Configure WiFi screen or will be taken to Bluetooth control screen directly.
    • You can use Settings button on Air Cooler control screen to switch between WiFi and Bluetooth
    • If WiFi is not configured yet or App is not able to connect to Device using WiFi (may be Air Cooler is in HotSpot mode), then you will be taken to WiFi Configuration screen on selecting WiFi as control method
  • How do I switch off display on Air Cooler?
  • You can switch off display on Air Cooler through Heka App – Cooler Control screen, display button on Cooler front panel, and Cooler Remote.
Drivers heka instruments catalog

Livpure Smart Devices General Information

  • What is HEKA Technology for Smart AC?
  • Heka technology provides three Smart Modes, namely Heka, Green and Magic. In starting, Heka uses the location based climate comfort model for users. Thereafter, Heka uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) to adapt to user’s comfort levels automatically, as users start using their AC.
    Once any one of the Smart Mode is enabled, the Smart AC automatically maintains the comfort levels required for user and continuously keeps learning to make it more effective.
    • Green mode : Green mode delivers energy efficiency
    • Heka mode : Heka mode optimises energy efficiency and comfort
    • Magic mode : Magic mode delivers comfort
  • How does Smart Device work from my Mobile App?
  • Please download Heka App from Android PlayStore or Apple App Store (based on your mobile). Register yourself and then add your Smart Device in Heka app. Post that configure Device WiFi to connect it to Home WiFi. Once configured, now your Device can be controlled via mobile app, from anywhere, any time and from any distance.
  • What is HEKA Technology for Smart Air Cooler?
  • Heka technology provides “Heka” smart mode for Air Cooler, which uses location based climate comfort model, AI and ML algorithms to sense the temperature and humidity of the room, and activates the circulation pump only when necessary, thereby deliver cooling with optimal water usage.
  • How does my AC or Air Cooler know when I am in the Room and what does it do?
  • AC or Air Cooler does not have any special sensors to check your presence in room.
  • Does my Mobile App also act as a Remote?
  • Yes, With Heka App on your mobile, you carry everywhere more power than a remote. Heka App lets you control all parameters of Smart Device. You can add multiple Smart Devices on the same App (as many as you buy) & control them from anywhere and anytime. You can automate your Smart Devices using Schedules on Heka App.
  • Is the Mobile App the only method of controlling the Smart Device’s settings?
  • Heka powered Smart Devices can be controlled via multiple ways.
    The AC comes with several methods of controls:
    • 1. HEKA App that installs on your mobile (controls via WiFi)
    • 2. Voice control through Alexa
    • 3. Voice control through Google Assistant / Google Home
    • 4. Standard Remote control
    • 5. Windows AC has several control buttons on Windows AC unit
    The Air Cooler comes with several methods of controls:
    • 1. HEKA App that installs on your mobile (controls via WiFi and Bluetooth)
    • 2. Standard Remote control
    • 3. Air Cooler has several control buttons on Air Cooler unit
  • How do I know if there is a fault or an issue with my Smart Device?
  • The HEKA App detects any faults or service requirements and sends the alerts to the Service team automatically. You can also send Problems & Suggestions to Product Team through App.
  • Can I schedule the Smart functions in my Smart Device other than the pre-set automated functions?
  • Yes, you can setup multiple Smart Schedules to automate all your needs with regard to your Smart Device’s controls. You can turn On/Off your Smart Device with required settings at any particular time as well as for a time window daily, or repeat on specific days on schedule. Can do the same with Geo Fence as well.
  • How does my AC also act as an Air Purifier and what all does it cleanse from the air?
  • Livpure AC’s EGAPA™ filter, which is specially made for activated carbon, not only gives you the purest air but also removes dust, pollen, ammonia, smoke and ozone present in indoor environment. It also kills harmful bacteria and fungus.

Drivers Heka Instruments

Schedules to automate Smart Devices

  • How to create various Schedules in Heka App?
  • Schedules are very easy to make and are of two types.
    • 1. Time based schedules
    • 2. Geo Fence based schedules
    Schedule can be setup for a specific date or repeat on selected days of the week, while controlling multiple devices available in your Heka app.
    Schedule requires stable Internet connection to your Smart Device, for Heka Cloud to send commands to your Smart Device, as per the settings chosen by you while creating the schedule.
    Time based schedules are defined for either START TIME or TIME RANGE.
    • START TIME schedule starts at a particular time and continues with that settings, unless Device is controlled through some other action (Device control screen on Heka App, other schedules, Remote etc.)
    • TIME RANGE schedule starts at defined time (defined by user as START TIME) and ends at defined time (defined by user as END TIME).
      • a. State of Device changes at START TIME, as per the schedule definition.
      • b. Sate of Device comes back to the previous state at END TIME, depending upon whatever was the state before START TIME.
    Geo fence schedules are defined for Arriving at or Leaving from Home.
    • Activated for a time window only, which can be 24 hours window as well
    • Activated for a single Geo Distance (default Geo distance is 0.5 Km)
    Schedules are much more powerful than the Timer ON / OFF functions in AC Remote or Timer OFF function in Air Cooler.
    • If user wants to switch ON the device at an event, schedule provides options to user to select the settings, with which Device should Turn ON at scheduled time. The user can define similar settings, for multiple Devices within same schedule.
    • If user wants to change only some settings at an event (while your Device is already in ON condition), TIME RANGE schedule provides options to user to select those settings with ON condition, and comes back to original settings at the END TIME of TIME RANGE schedule. This helps user to automate multiple Devices of any types, and with different settings on each.
  • Why do I see only one action on my Device, while I have schedules to make different actions at the same time?
  • Please avoid Time Overlaps between schedules as actions will happen as per schedules and will confuse users.
    E.g. if a schedule’s end time is 4.05 PM, start time of another schedule should not be 4.05 PM. There must be a difference of 1 minute at least, while it is recommended to have minimum 5 minutes difference to be able to see the change in action on Device.

Using Alexa Device or Alexa App

  • How can I use Alexa to voice control my Livpure AC?
  • To voice control through Alexa, need to do the followings
    • 1. AC must have been configured & connected to WiFi
    • 2. AC Device is added in a User Account on Heka App & controllable from that account
    • 3. Login to Alexa App.
      • a. Open hamburger menu (3 horizontal bars on top left corner
      • b. Select “Skills & Games” menu
      • c. Press Search button on top right corner and
      • d. Type “Heka smart home” as shown below to search Heka Smart Home skill
    • 4. Heka Smart Home skill found. Select the skill and it asks you to “Enable To Use”, if not enabled yet (as shown below).
    • 5. Once Enabled to use, Alexa automatically takes you to Linking page, where you need to use login credentials of Heka app, for linking Alexa App with Heka App User account
      • a. In case you come out without linking both accounts, it will continue to show “Account linking required” / “Link Account”
      • b. You can click on “Account linking required” / “Link Account” and it again takes you to Linking page, through a browser on your smart phone
    • 6. Once enabled and linked, you can start sending Voice commands to AC through Alexa App / Alexa Device, by pressing the icon in below screen
    • 7. Examples of AC Voice commands from Alexa device (can control only 1 AC as of now, which is added in Heka App account linked with Alexa)
      • a. Alexa, ask Heka to Turn ON AC
      • b. Alexa, ask Heka to Turn OFF AC
      • c. Alexa, ask Heka to increase the temperature by 2
      • d. Alexa, ask Heka to decrease the temperature
      • e. Alexa, ask Heka to increase the temperature
      • f. Alexa, ask Heka to set the temperature at 27
      • g. Alexa, ask Heka to set the AC Fan Speed to High
      • h. Alexa, ask Heka to set the mode to Cool
      • i. Alexa, ask Heka to set the mode to Green Mode
      • j. Alexa, ask Heka to set the mode to Magic Mode
      • k. And so on…
    • 8. Examples of AC Voice commands from Alexa App on Smart Phone (can control only 1 AC as of now, which is added in Heka App account linked with Alexa account)
      • a. Ask Heka to Turn ON AC
      • b. Ask Heka to Turn OFF AC
      • c. Ask Heka to increase the temperature by 2
      • d. Ask Heka to decrease the temperature
      • e. Ask Heka to increase the temperature
      • f. Ask Heka to set the temperature at 27
      • g. Ask Heka to set the AC Fan Speed to High
      • h. Ask Heka to set the mode to Cool
      • i. Ask Heka to set the mode to Green Mode
      • j. Ask Heka to set the mode to Magic Mode
      • k. And so on…

Drivers Heka Instruments Catalog

Using Google Home / Google Assistant App

Drivers Heka Instruments Online

  • How can I use Google Home or Google Assistant to voice control my Livpure AC
  • To voice control through Google Home or Google Assistant, you need to do the following
    • 1. AC must have been configured & connected to WiFi
    • 2. AC Device is added in a User Account on Heka App & controllable from that account
    • 3. User must register on Google Home or Google Assistant
    • 4. Open Google Assistant (hold Centre Home Key on Android phone) app
    • 5. User can link Heka App with Google Home / Assistant in 2 ways
      • a. Press this icon on Google Assistant screen, and search Heka Smart on this screen.
        • i. Either it takes you to Link page
        • ii. OR it displays Heka Smart options on your screen, and once you select any of the Heka Smart option, it displays a screen to take your permission to Link, select Yes
      • b. OR Press this icon on Google Assistant screen, and type “Open Heka Smart”, it displays a screen to take your permission to Link, select Yes
    • 6. Once you press Link on above screen or you press Yes button on any of above screens, to link two accounts, it displays Heka screen to provide Heka App account login id and password.
    • 7. Once accounts are Linked through any of above methods, it displays one of the below screen. You can press mike icon to send voice commands from Smart Phone itself or start sending voice commands from Google Home device.
    • 8. Examples of AC Voice commands from Google Home Device (can control only 1 AC as of now, which is added in Heka App account linked with Google Home)
      • a. Ok Google, ask Heka Smart to Turn ON AC
      • c. Ok Google, ask Heka Smart to increase the temperature by 2
      • d. Ok Google, ask Heka Smart to decrease the temperature
      • e. Ok Google, ask Heka Smart to increase the temperature
      • f. Ok Google, ask Heka Smart to set the temperature at 27
      • g. Ok Google, ask Heka Smart to set the Fan Speed to High
      • h. Ok Google, ask Heka Smart to set the mode to Cool
      • i. Ok Google, ask Heka Smart to set the mode to Green Mode
      • j. Ok Google, ask Heka Smart to set the mode to Magic Mode
      • k. And so on…
    • 9. Examples of AC Voice commands from Google Assistant on Smart Phone (can control only 1 AC as of now, which is added in Heka App account linked with Google Home)
      • a. Ask Heka Smart to Turn ON AC
      • b. Ask Heka Smart to Turn OFF AC
      • c. Ask Heka Smart to increase the temperature by 2
      • d. Ask Heka Smart to decrease the temperature
      • e. Ask Heka Smart to increase the temperature
      • f. Ask Heka Smart to set the temperature at 27
      • g. Ask Heka Smart to set the Fan Speed to High
      • h. Ask Heka Smart to set the mode to Cool
      • i. Ask Heka Smart to set the mode to Green Mode
      • j. Ask Heka Smart to set the mode to Magic Mode
      • k. And so on…